The Training Center for Research and Reconstruction of Traffic Accidents CE-IRAT, is a private institution created and supported by a group of companies in the field, whose main objective is to create and provide qualified training in the field of investigation and reconstruction of car accidents; either for preventive purposes or for utility in judgments. The investigation processes to determine causes of car accidents converge in the application of physics, mathematics and statistics models. These technologies have not been spread out in Latin America by the academies, for these reasons the Training Center-IRAT is an affordable space for the exchange and acquisition of useful technological knowledge in scientific investigations of accidents. The collaboration of experts from various countries in Latin America, the training platforms facilitate the acquisition of specific knowledge for the analysis of the mechanics developed in various types of accidents, published in the scientific community of the SAE (Society Automobile Engineering) and the National Association of Professional Specialists in Traffic Accident Reconstruction – NAPARS (National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists).
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text 0=””]Authorities
He graduated in Criminalistic Sciences and Criminology, Accidentologist graduated from the National University of the Northeast in the year 2000. Professor at The Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN). He works as Expert of the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of Chaco. He has been professor of Physics at the Criminalistics Institute of the UNNE. He is an Evaluator Proficient of Research Projects of the Universidad del Aconcagua (Arg.). He is a trainer for the products of Visual Statement Inc. in Latin America, a teacher by competition in the career of Higher Technician of Road Safety in the UTN, and has given numerous courses and conference on Virtual Reconstruction, Propagation of Error, Theory of Prevention of Traffic accidents and applications of Deformation Models to the Reconstruction of Claims. He specializes in computer applications and controlled kinematic animation applied to the virtual reconstruction of car accidents, and is the author of national and international publications.
os viales, y es autor de publicaciones nacionales e internacionales.
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